Monday, July 19, 2010

Welcome to the Moment

Welcome to The Moment. I'm glad you're here! I'd like to invite you to participate with me in this moment, in this journey and in this life; we're here together for a reason.

This is just one of my blogs; I'm getting started in joining the worldwide conversation and I think that what I have to say is important enough that I should say it loud. Add your voice to mine and we could change the world together.

If you'd like, you can visit my Tarot blog, Enlightenment Tarot. I do read the cards professionally, both in person and virtually on the 'net. But, I decided that I need to communicate on subjects that aren't within the scope of my professional work. I want to feel free to comment on anything that pops into my head; I want to express myself without limits or reservations.

Come with me on this journey, I promise it'll be at least interesting. :)

Adagio Teas

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