Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chicken Experiments

This morning I indulged my creative cook side with some roasted chicken experiments.

Yes, for fun and art I experiment with food. It relaxes me, pleases me and at the end, I get to have delicious food!

Today's experiment involved the NuWave Oven, three bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts and spices. I seasoned the first chunk of chicken with salt, paprika and chili powder; I was aiming for spicy chicken with this one. The second got some Adams Reserve House Blend Rub, a wonderfully balanced blend of garlic, black pepper and salt that I picked up at the new HEB store Friday. The third was seasoned with a Chicken and Fish blend that Lorie had in the kitchen (all of the other spices, plus a few.)

I put the chicken in skin side down for ten minutes, then flipped it and roasted the chicken for another ten minutes. Really. Twenty minutes was all it took. I was talking on the phone with my mom all the while, and she agreed that only twenty minutes to fully roast bone in chicken breasts is amazing. Usually I'd stick breasts like that in the oven for a good half hour to forty five minutes. Twenty?

I was skeptical, let me tell you. But, at the end of the second ten minute session in the NuWave Oven, the breasts looked done. Brown on top, fat running out, and the smell! mmm. I poked the breasts in the thickest part, and examined the juice that ran out. Clear juice means done chicken (this saves cutting into the breast to examine the color of the meat, btw), colored juice means cook it more. These babies ran clear.

I let them cool a bit, bagged them and stuck them in the fridge.

I tell you, I should have taken a picture of my dinner today, it was so pretty. I warmed up the Adams Reserve House Blend rubbed breast, some brown rice from the other day and added a nice side salad with some Wishbone Chunky Blue Cheese dressing. It looked pretty, smelled wonderful and tasted even better. I had a couple of King's Hawaiian sweet rolls on the side, and let me tell you, I cleaned my plate.

I'm really looking forward to trying the other two chicken breasts, as well as using that oven more! I've got a three pound bag of frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts in the freezer, as well as some wild salmon that I'm just itching to play with!

Bon Appetite!

1 comment:

  1. You enjoy posting about what you eat so much. I figured that blogging about how you made it and how it made you feel would be beneficial to you. Also posting how you made it would be great also for your readers!

    Maybe you should add tags of therapeutic cooking, or cooking with intention, ect... Also simple research of the items used could end up being an Llewellyn book.
